Number of FU’s / cm2
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is done by using a micro-punch. This is a revolutionary technique to minimize scarring, only leaving scars of up to 1mm in diameter (depending on the size of the punch).
The elasticity of the scalp helps evaluate the width of the strip to be taken.
Bad: no mobility of the scalp, maximum extraction: 1 cm
Average: mobility allowing the extraction of a Strip from 1,1 to 1,3 cm
Good: extraction a strip of > 1.3 cm

Cylindrical scalpel with a circular cutting edge  and a diameter of 0.75 to 1 mm.

The stage where the grafts are reimplanted into the recipient zone.

A special technique to close the donor area after a strip/FUT transplant which minimises scarring and allows for the regrowth of hair in the donor area.

Dissection of the strip in thin strips (slivers) containing only a few follicular units aligned in order to facilitate harvesting
These are steps performed with a microscope to minimize the transsection of the follicular units. The percentage of tolerated transsections is 4 to 5%.
Unintentional damage done to the follicle, resulting in its incapacity to generate new hair. This can occur during sampling (strip or FUE), slivering or cutting. The extraction of the follicular units is performed under a microscope in order to minimise the transection rate. The tolerated transection rate lies between 4-5%.

The only hair suitable to be transplanted is hair that is thought to be permanent (not affected by DHT). Thus the areas located at the sides and back of the scalp are considered safe for surgical transplantation in order to have lasting results.