Once you have taken the decision to go ahead with surgery, we will set a date for the operation together.
A consent form will be sent to you two weeks before the operation; it must be signed and transmitted to the clinic before the day of the operation at the very latest.

The consent form holds a detailed description of the agreements you and the Dr. had arrived at during the preliminary talk about your hair transplant procedure.
You will also be given a set of instructions informing you how to prepare yourself for surgery in order for everything to run smoothly. Some of the pre-operative precautions include:
3 weeks before surgery:

  • If you are taking supplements of Vitamin E, or those containing Vitamin E, stop taking them.

1 week before surgery:

  • Stop taking acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
  • Stop drinking alcohol
  • Do not take any other drug that may increase bleeding, such as Sintrom, plavix etc
  • Wash your hair with shampoo the night before and on the morning of the surgery