The coverage of scars is another one of Dr. Lupanzula’s strengths. Many of our clients come to us at Medikemos in order to reduce the visibility of scars from previous surgeries.
With the FUSS (follicular unit strip surgery) procedure every patient is typically left with a so-called “linear” or “strip” scar. Sometimes the scars are very protrudent, even when the hair is not very short or put up. In this case the doctor will use the FUE procedure to “repair” the scar of the area where hair was harvested for the FUSS procedure.

Modern follicular unit strip surgery (FUT) is less prone to leaving a thick scar and allows for great hair transplant results.

Is FUE hair restoration a “scarless” procedure?

Scarring is a natural reaction of the body when an incision is made into the epidermis and dermis. Hence, also FUE is not exactly “scarless”. However, since the grafts are harvested in different areas and the incision is much smaller and less drastic, the small scars usually are not visible and short hairstyles can be worn without it being evident that a hair restoration has taken place.